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Polylines Polylines

Polylines are the most common interpretations used. Much of the functionality of Polyline interpretation is common to both Faults and Geopolygons.

To interpret a polyline use the draw polyline option from the Interpretations ribbon menu.

Display Options

Group Display Options

Property NameDescription
NameThe name of the polyline group shown in the interpretation tree. Note the name is only available to edit in sub groups, not in the top level of the tree.
Show NodesShow the nodes/vertices which cpomprise the polyline. These are the original data points from when the polyline was digitised.
Node SizeThe size of the vertices in the 3D window.
Line WidthThe width of the trace that joins the 3D vertices.
LOD ScaleLevel of detail distance
Show 3D traceShow the trace of the joined vertices as a cylinder rather than a line.
Trace SizeThe width of the cylinder comprising the 3D trace
WireframeDisplay the plane as a wireframe rather than a solid surface.
Show PlanesShow the polyline as a plane extruded along the orientation of the polyline
Show LabelsShow the polyline name as a label in the 3D view. This will show all the individual polyline names (not the group name)
Variable ExtrusionThis changes the way the polyline plane is extuded, usin the geometry of the polyline as a control on the extrusion. Gives the polyline plane a smoother profile arounf corners, but can have difficulties with complex geomtries. A purely visual feature and does not affect the data itself.
Plane opacityChange the opacity of the plane (0 = transparent, 1 = fully opaque).
Auto best fitEnable automatic updating of the oritentation value when editing the polyline vertices.
Projection DistanceHow far the plane is exturded from the polyline.
Minimum Digitiser SpacingWhen interpreting polylines VRGS will not allow points to be closer than this value when using the "draw" interpretation style
Display ColourChanges the colour used to display the polyline. The options are "pick" = the colour of the "pick" or stratigraphy defined in the collections tree. "User" which is the colour defined in the individual poylines options, and group which is the colour defined at a group level.
Default NameThe default name for new polyline interpretations. Can include variables.
Name CounterThe current number used for new interpretations. Autoincrements by 1 for each new interpretation

Name Variables

The default name for polylines can accept variables to make naming easier. Variables are formatted \{$VAR\} where var is the name of the variable.

Supported variables:

Variable NameMeaning
\{$PICK\}The name of the active horizon or pick
\{$USER\}User name of interpreter

Object Display Options

Property NameDescription
Pick NameThe name of the individual polyline shown in the Interpretation Tree.
Orientation DipThe dip value derived from a best fit plane to the polyline vertices.
OrientationAzimuthThe azimuth value derived from a best fit plane to the polyline vertices.
ErrorA measure of how good the best fit surface is to the vertices.
ColourThe colout of the polyline (used for user colour display style)
Line StyleChage the style of the line. May be solid -, dashes --, dotted ..., or dot-dash .-.-.
Line RepeatThe repeat distance of the line style. A shorter distance will give smaller dots and dashes.
StratigraphyThe stratigraphy or the Pick. Nominally defined the age of the marker, but can be used for other classifications. Possible values are defined under Picks in the collections tree.
CommentA text comment applied and stored with the polyline.
Extrude along strikeExtrude the plane along strike rather than along dip. This is the default.
Polyline LengthA purely informative value that defines the length of the polyline.