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Managing backups

Administer a project

When you save your project, the project database and the vgp file is backup up in a sub-folder called VGPBACKUP, within the project Data folder. Each backup is time stamped as follows:, which is If the project has been upgraded from the previous VRGS version the suffix _UpgradedFrom### where ### is the version number upgraded from.

Recover a project

To re-instate an earlier project follow these steps:

  1. Rename your current “.vgp” file. For example if your file is called “MyProject.vgp” rename it to “MyProject_Old.vgp”.
  2. Rename the database file SQLDBv4.db to SQLDBv4.db_old. This is found in the DATABASES folder of the Data folder.
  3. Navigate into the MyProject Data\VGP_BACKUP folder and find the project file you wish to re-instate (This will have a name like “” which is the date and time stamp).
  4. Copy this file into the same folder as the original “.vgp” file and extract the zip file.
  5. Copy the SQLDBv4.db file into the DATABASES folder of the Data folder.
  6. Starts VRGS and open the vgp file.
  7. Please take care when using this project recovery approach. Always back up your data first or if in doubt contact VRGS support.